Monday 12 October 2015

Questions for any rock face - planning for field work

The new ELI today begins a new series which deals with questions you can ask when standing in front of any exposure of rocks and soil. We start with  Planning for field work; preparing your pupils before setting out to "ask questions for any rock face".
Pupils are asked the following questions:-
- Why are we going outside? Can’t we just look at rocks in the nice warm classroom?
- What hazards might we meet on the walk from school, and what should we do to be safe and comfortable?
- What dangers might we meet at the rock face? How can we stay safe?
- What are we going to do when we get there?
- What equipment do we need to take with us?
More ideas for fieldwork can be found on our website and, of course, all the questions you can ask at a rock face from weathering to fossils to folding to economic use will be published over the next few months.

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