Monday, 25 November 2024

An entertaining way to teach the Periodic Table of elements

Today's new ELI is ‘An Element of fun; an entertaining way to teach Mendeleev's Periodic Table of elements'

This Earthlearningidea can fix in the mind of young students an image of the Periodic Table and help them to learn some characteristics of the chemical elements.

Other Earthlearningideas related to minerals and elements can be found in the Earth Materials category.

Monday, 18 November 2024

Scary scorpions - make your own

Today's ELI is 'Scary scorpions; make your own scorpion and imagine how it lived' 

This ELI is an introduction to fossil aquatic scorpions; 
bringing the animal back to life and investigating the Silurian seas.

Many fossil-related activities can be found in our 'Evolution of Life' category

Monday, 11 November 2024

Investigating geological structures and their outcrops using sponge rolls

Continuing our theme of folding structures, today's ELI is 'Swiss roll surgery; investigating geological structures and their outcrops using sponge rolls'.

This activity can be used in any science or geography lesson when folded and faulted rocks are discussed. By adapting the terminology, it can be used with any age group when explanations of folded and faulted rocks are required.

Many related activities can be found in our Earth energy / processes category.

Wednesday, 6 November 2024

An exercise in measuring strike and dip

The new ELI this week is 'Mapping structures on the playing field An exercise in measuring strike and dip.'

This ELI demonstrates how to use a school field (or any open space) for practice in measurements in order to work out a geological structure.

Other related activities can be found in our categories 'Deformation - folding faulting' and in 'Investigating the Earth - fieldwork and mapwork.'

Missing posts

The ELI Team apologise that there have been no posts in recent months. Hopefully, our weekly updates on new and revised activities will now continue as usual.