Monday, 25 October 2021

Greenhouse effect

A discussion to reinforce learning and to counter misconceptions about the greenhouse effect. Many people wrongly think that the greenhouse effect occurs because there is a layer of greenhouse gases in the sky that act like a pane of glass in a greenhouse, trapping the heat that originally came as visible light from the Sun. This view is often reinforced by misleading animations and diagrams on the internet and diagrams in textbooks and elsewhere

Many activities involving the greenhouse effect can be found by using the search engine on our website

Monday, 18 October 2021

Net zero emissions target - Energy from waste

The new ELI today and the latest in our series on how to reach the 'net zero' emissions target is 'Energy from burning waste; where does all my non-recyclable waste go?'

This activity involves a discussion about the treatment of domestic waste. The population of the world is increasing rapidly and with it the amount of waste material. It is vital that modern technologies are developed, not only to manage the waste, but also to ensure that no harmful by-products are allowed to pollute the air or the ground. We must re-cycle as much as possible and mitigate the effects of non-recyclable material.

Search for 'net zero' in the search engine on our website to find many more activities about how we might reach the 'net zero' emissions target.

Monday, 11 October 2021

How coastlines change shape

'Changing coastlines: investigating how wave erosion, transportation and deposition can change the shapes of coastlines'.

This activity can be used to study the processes of coastal erosion, transportation and deposition. It can also be used to investigate the problems these processes cause and the ways in which people try to solve those problems.

More activities about these processes - sea, rivers, wind and ice, can be found on our website.

Monday, 4 October 2021

Three ways to make waves in water

The new ELI today is 'Making waves: a storm in a teacup? Three ways to make waves in a container of water: wind, earthquake and impact'.

This activity is a class introduction to wave-formation, using a glass of water as a prompt. It can also be used to introduce the formation of normal coastal waves and of tsunami waves and the distinction between them.

Other activities relating to coastal waves and tsunamis can be found on our website.