Monday, 30 March 2015

Bouncing back after the Ice Age

Today's new Earthlearningidea activity is 'Isostasy 2; 'bouncing back' after the ice. This idea demonstrates the effects on a continental land mass of a large ice sheet growing and then melting. This ELI can be used in any lessons related to balance in the Earth’s lithosphere and those dealing with glaciation and its after effects.
The photograph above shows “Celsius’ Rock” on the Baltic coast of Sweden, about 175 km north of Stockholm. Anders Celsius marked the mean sea level in 1731, which is now where the man’s hand is holding the 2m tape. Current sea level is now about 2m below Celsius’ mark, indicating a rise of the land at a rate of about 70cm per century. Several former ports on the Baltic coast are now high and dry as a result of the rise of the land – with detrimental outcomes for their economies.
Click on the website for related activities or search 'Teaching strategies'.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Solar eclipse

Last Friday, many people were watching the solar eclipse. Perhaps it's a good time to try the ELI 'Why does the Sun disappear?' This activity demonstrates how a small object, which is near, can block out the view of a much larger one that is further away. Do you think the Sun and the Moon often appear to be the same size in the sky? In fact, they are not the same size at all and yet the Moon can block out the Sun completely, so that it goes quite dark. This is called a total eclipse of the Sun (or a solar eclipse).

The image above is from the NASA website. The photo below shows the recent eclipse as viewed through a colander!
You could also try the ELI 'Eclipse the lollipop' which models eclipses of the Moon and the Sun with a ball, lollipops and a bright light.
Search our website for lots more innovative and exciting teaching ideas.

Monday, 16 March 2015

Modelling the state of 'balance' of the Earth's outer layers - isostasy

Today's new ELI is 'Isostasy 1; modelling the state of 'balance' of the Earth's outer layers'. Isostasy is essentially the principle of hydrostatic equilibrium applied to the Earth, otherwise called ‘buoyancy’. You can model this principle using wooden blocks floating in water and in a denser medium.

Lots of activities about the structure of the Earth can be found on our website.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Smelting iron ore to iron

Have you tried the ELI 'A smelter on a stick; smelting iron ore to iron on a gas burner'? This ELI gives a simple introduction to the smelting of metal ores by reducing them to the metal with charcoal. This linking of a small-scale activity to the real world of the blast furnace requires bridging skills.
Many more Earth-related innovative activities can be found on our website.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Watery world game: investigating the water cycle

The new ELI published today is another in our ELI Early years series. 'Watery world game; climb through the watery world but watch out for snakes!'

The game can be played in any science or geography lesson and has cross curricular links with literacy and numeracy. It is also a useful water cycle introduction or revision exercise. Although the pupils’ watery world diaries will all be different, it will be apparent that the stages of the water cycle are followed in each scenario.
Other ideas for this young age group can be found on the website in Teaching strategies. Other watery activities for all age groups are listed on the home page.