This latest activity is a 'thought experiment' imagining how different landslides might affect the view through the window. Pupils are asked to describe the view through the window if a sudden landslide were to strike. Of course, the answers depend on whether the view, and your building, is hit by a landslide or is being carried along on a landslide. Pupils are encouraged to imagine both
scenarios by answering a series of questions. If you want to know what those questions are then click
here to view the activity.
Kia ora from New Zealand
I trialled the Earth learning idea on Landslides with my two Year Nine classes this week.
Although in central Christchurch we are unlikely to experience a landslide as the land is flat, we are near to hills and mountains. Other cities in New Zealand have had disastrous landslides, destroying houses and gardens. In November there was a huge landslide in the Southern Alps which resulted in the formation of a new lake.
We have earthquakes in New Zealand, being on the boundary of the Pacific plate and the Indo-Australian plate and an earthquake could trigger a significant landslide. Hence this topic is very relevant to us!
I gave one of my classes a copy of the questions “Being hit by a landslide” and the other class had a copy of the questions “Being carried by a landslide”. (I copied and pasted the questions into a word document).
I got the students to work in pairs answering the questions and writing down their answers. This took ten minutes.
We then had a class discussion about landslides and I went over the possible answers. More discussion followed!
My students responded very positively to the lesson and are now aware of the effect of landslides. We also had an earthquake practise and all got under the laboratory tables!
Overall this was a very good resource. It created interest and the questions were well constructed. I was also very impressed with the answers given.
I will use this resource again and pass it on to other colleagues in the Science
faculty at my school.
Thank you very much!
Keith Machin
Physics and Science Teacher
Rangi Ruru Girls’ School
59 Hewitts Road
Merivale 8014
New Zealand
A group of students from Taiwan
We are a group of students from National Taiwan Normal University. This is beneficial for us to read many good articles here. Unfortunely, my country usually is strike by landslides after heavy rain and typhoon; therefore, this subject is important for us on teaching.
We think this activity is useful to teach those students who never present in landslide. Maybe performing some films or photo about landslides before activity is better. Students can more rapidly join in course and have deeper feeling when they are image about it.
We have to teach students the ideal of conservation of water and soil. This is important! As a teacher, making our students establish a good concept will change our futur life environment.
I, Hsu chia chung, represent my group
Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University
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