The model demonstrates how groundwater flows and forms aquifers (permeable rocks containing underground water supplies). In the model, the upper part with the cups represents the 'hills'; water poured into the cups represents 'rain'; the water emerges from the 'ground' in a 'spring'. The 'spring' is usually found at the lower end of the container, where the downward flowing water reaches the impermeable edge of the container and flows upwards to the 'ground surface' - as in many natural springs formed where flowing water meets an impermeable barrier.
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1 comment:
I modified my stream table to do this activity. In the future I think I will use the cardboard box with plastic in the 'River in a gutter' activity. I would like to layer the media with a porous sand and then an impermeable layer so there is less water showing on the surface and it flows to 'springs' further from the source.
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