Our November activity has now been published on our
website -
Rock detective - rocky clues to the past. Pupils will use the characteristic properties of a set of local rocks to sort them into sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rock groups.
Please let us have your comments, suggestions and ideas about this topic.
This is great and so easy to follow. I think I may be able to identify the rocks around here now - my pupils will love it.
Thank you Earthlearningidea!
Estoy poniendo en práctica esta actividad con mis alumnos de 1º de ESO (12 -13 años)en la asignatura de Laboratorio de Geologia y Biologia.
Mis alumnos y alumnas están aplicando el método científico (observan la realidad, se plantean preguntas, las responden y verifican experimentalmente sus respuestas)de manera casi intuitiva
Tanto a ellos como a mi nos está resultando mucho más interesante esta forma de aprender/enseñar los distintos tipos de rocas a partir del planteamiento de preguntas y la observación, que el estudio meramente descriptivo que hasta ahora veníamos haciendo.
Os felicito por la idea.
Desde que en septiembre comencé a recibir vuestros trabajos, espero con entusiamo la llegada de una nueva actividad cada mes. Las de los terremotos y volcanes las experimentaré proximamente con mis alumnos de 16 años (4º ESO)
Translation of the comment above from Victoria Burjassot.
"I am working on this activity with my students of 1st ESO (12-13 years old) in the practical tasks (laboratory) of Biology and Geology. My students apply the scientific method (they make
observations, ask questions, answer them and experimentally verify their answers) but in an
almost intuitive way. It is becoming much more interesting for them and I prefer this way of teaching-learning about rocks from questions and observations than from the simple descriptive way we were using before. Congratulations for the idea. From September, when I started receiving your works, to the present, I enthusiastically wait each month for the new activity. The ones about earthquakes and volcanoes will be performed soon with my 16 years old students (4th ESO)."
Thank you very much indeed Victoria for this positive feedback to our Earthlearningideas. We have lots more exciting and investigative activities ready to publish in December and every week next year!
Please continue to share your experiences of using the ideas in the classroom.
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