Our first sample activity can now be viewed on our website. The activities page can be found here.
It is a simple investigation into why some buildings collapse when an earthquake strikes and why some do not.
It requires minimal equipment and will lead to lots of discussion.
Would this work for you? Please let us know what you think by emailing us (info@earthlearningidea.com) or by clicking the 'comment' link below.
This site is a very good idea and I hope it is successful. Well done to all. It can certainly provide ideas for teachers as well as students, particularly for those who don't have a specialised lab and who are looking for coursework ideas.
Quake shake : This could be developed further by using objects of varying shapes to see which is the more stable. For example - a flat-based pyramid shape compared to a cuboid structure with a base of the same area.
Dawn Windley ESTA Chair said : Brilliant idea ! Let's hope we can help lots of Earth Science teacher's out there with these simple but effective ideas ! I'll certainly be logging on to check out any new ideas for my teaching !
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