Monday, 30 May 2022

Investigating a grain of sand

The new Earthlearningidea today is "A world in a grain of sand"; what can a grain of sand tell us about its past?

This ELI is a ‘thought experiment’ on erosion, transportation and deposition. It can be used for all ages, to link studies in science or geography with the medium of literature. There is a video clip to accompany the activity.

Other related activities can be found in 'ELI Early years' or in 'Earth energy - sedimentary processes'.

Monday, 23 May 2022

World energy needs in the future

'What is/are the least bad option(s) for plugging the future global energy gap? A discussion on the least-damaging ways to meet world energy needs in the future'.

In this Earthlearningidea, pupils discuss the best ways (or least harmful ways) of meeting future global energy needs.

Many activities related to power sources can be found here.

Monday, 16 May 2022

Advances in battery technology

Continuing our 'net zero' emissions series, the new ELI today is 'Nuclear batteries - the future? Investigating advances in battery technology'.

This activity explores the future of battery technology and asks pupils to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using nuclear batteries.

The full series of Earthlearningideas about how we can reach 'net zero' emissions targets can be found here.

Monday, 9 May 2022

Following on from global agriculture last week, today's ELI is one of our soil series - 'Soil layers puzzle; make your own soil profile and investigate others'


This activity can be used in any lesson about the environment, rocks and landscape, agriculture, gardening or investigations out of doors.

Many more Earthlearningideas about Soils can be found here. 

Monday, 2 May 2022

How will global agriculture adapt to climate change?

Continuing our 'net zero' emissions series, the new ELI today is 'The future for global agriculture; the adaptation of agriculture to climate change'.


Global agriculture will have to adapt as the planet's climate continues to change. How farming methods and the introduction of new crops can change, to adapt to the new conditions and reduce agriculture's greenhouse gas emissions, are discussed in this activity.

Other ELIs related to reaching 'net zero' emissions can be seen here.