Monday, 29 November 2021

Small-scale hydroelectric power schemes

 The new ELI today and the next in our 'net zero' series is 'Small-scale hydroelectric power schemes; investigating opportunities for micro-hydro'.


This activity is an introduction to electricity generation by micro-hydro schemes and explores the benefits of cheap, small-scale hydroelectric installations.

Many more activities about renewable energy supplies can be found on our website.

Monday, 22 November 2021

Earthlearningidea videos

Did you know that, as well as all the teaching videos, ELI also has many general videos from various sources; four are in Catalan, three have a Portuguese introduction and one is narrated in Norwegian.

Shell shake; survival of the fittest

Dolines! Simuleu els processos de formació de dolines en acció 

Monday, 15 November 2021

Landfill gas

The new ELI today is the next is our 'net zero' emissions series, 'Energy from buried waste: Landfill gas'.

It is vital that modern technologies are developed not only to manage waste but also to ensure that minimal harmful by-products are allowed to pollute the air or the ground. We must re-cycle as much as possible and mitigate the effects of non recyclable material. This ELI is a case study of good practice by an industrial firm to try to reduce its use of fossil fuels and to assist the local community in reducing its carbon footprint

You can access the full series of Earthlearningidea 'net zero; emissions by clicking here.

Monday, 8 November 2021

Landslide through the window?

'Landslide through the window - what would you see, what would you feel? Asking pupils to picture for themselves what a landslide through the window might look like.'

This Earthlearningidea is a ‘thought experiment’ imagining how different landslides might affect the view through the window.

There are many more activities about natural hazards in the Natural Hazards category.

Monday, 1 November 2021

Hydrogen of many colours

The latest in our 'net zero' emissions target series and coinciding with the COP26 talks in Glasgow, the new ELI is 'Hydrogen of many colours; the situation regarding hydrogen in the UK, October 2021'

This ELI provides an update into the rapidly evolving development of hydrogen manufacture in the UK, based on recent Government Reports.

Many activities relating to climate change can be found on our website.