Monday, 30 June 2014
Danger - quicksands!
'Danger - quicksands! Why do some rocks give way when it rains hard?' This ELI investigates pore water pressure in a sediment and demonstrates how raised pore water pressure can weaken apparently strong rocks/sediments, causing subsidence in buildings or landslides.
Many more such activities can be found on our website; all are FREE to download.
Monday, 23 June 2014
Trace fossils - burrows or borings
Our latest Earthlearningidea, published today, is 'Trace fossils - burrows or borings; what evidence do living organisms leave behind in rocks?' This activity is best used immediately after pupils have worked though the ELI activity 'Sea shell survival - how are common sea shells adapted to their habitats?' Adaptations to different habitats are reflected in the shell structure of bivalves. This understanding is applied to working out what ancient environments were like from the trace fossils left behind by similar organisms. Can you distinguish between a burrow and a boring?
This is one of many ELIs about fossils; all can be found in the Evolution of Life category on our website.
Monday, 16 June 2014
Eruption of Krakatoa
This is a very popular ELI but it can make a watery mess! 'The balloon goes up at Krakatoa' The activity uses a tank and a balloon to simulate the huge tsunamis caused by the eruption of this volcano.
The eruption of Krakatoa (or Krakatau to use its Indonesian name) was the first major volcanic eruption that was investigated and recorded scientifically. It is described as ‘colossal’ on the Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI), having ejected more than 10 cubic km of material. (The eruption of Tambora in 1815, also in Indonesia, is described as ‘super-colossal’ on the VEI, having ejected more than 100 cubic km of material, whilst the eruption of Taupo, New Zealand about 28,000 years ago, was ‘mega-colossal’, ejecting more than 1000 cubic km of material – but both of these erupted before scientific records). Thus we have reasonably good scientific evidence for the effects of the Krakatoan eruption, even if we still don’t understand the exact mechanisms of eruption and tsunami-generation.
This is one of many innovative Earthlearningideas on our website
The eruption of Krakatoa (or Krakatau to use its Indonesian name) was the first major volcanic eruption that was investigated and recorded scientifically. It is described as ‘colossal’ on the Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI), having ejected more than 10 cubic km of material. (The eruption of Tambora in 1815, also in Indonesia, is described as ‘super-colossal’ on the VEI, having ejected more than 100 cubic km of material, whilst the eruption of Taupo, New Zealand about 28,000 years ago, was ‘mega-colossal’, ejecting more than 1000 cubic km of material – but both of these erupted before scientific records). Thus we have reasonably good scientific evidence for the effects of the Krakatoan eruption, even if we still don’t understand the exact mechanisms of eruption and tsunami-generation.
This is one of many innovative Earthlearningideas on our website
Monday, 9 June 2014
Sink hole
New ELI published today is 'Sink hole!' You can demonstrate sink hole processes in action by using materials that are easy to obtain. By watching this process happen in front of them, pupils can explain how sink holes can develop by the dissolving of underground materials and they can also describe the potential impacts of sink holes.
This is one of many practical activities in the Earthlearningidea Natural hazards category.
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
ELI now in Polish!
We are very pleased indeed to announce that Earthlearningideas are now being translated into Polish.
Click on the link on the home page of our website. All the activities in the Natural Hazards category have now been translated.
Many thanks to our friends in Poland.
Me - a fossil? Popular Earthlearningidea in May
A very popular activity in May 2014 was 'How could I become fossilised?' Pupils are asked to think through the process of fossilisation. What should you do if you want to be fossilised? What should you do if you do not want to be fossilised?
You can find many more activities about fossils by searching our website.
You can find many more activities about fossils by searching our website.